The objective of this tutorial is to publish temperature and humidity to a RabbitMQ message broker.


Run RabbitMQ container

docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name my-rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 8080:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

see more here

You can see RabbitMQ management interface on port 8080.

Create a publisher on your Raspberry

  1. Clone raspberry-scripts project
git clone
  1. Go to
    cd raspberry-scripts/scripts
  2. Edit the _config.yml

Replace by your config

vim _config.yml
    url: amqp://guest:guest@RABBIT_DOCKER_HOST:5672
    gatewayId: raspberry_1
    exchange: events
    publish_interval: 60
    queue: event     
    logPath: /var/log/dht22
  1. Start virtualenv (optional)
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 ~/env2.7/
source ~/env2.7/bin/activate

see more here

Install dependencies:

pip install pika
pip install adafruit_python_dht
pip install pyyaml

see more here

  1. Start publisher
python &

Show log:

tail -f /var/log/dht22/publisher.log

Note: code based on Asynchronous publisher example

Create a consumer on your Raspberry

  1. Start publisher
python &

Show log:

tail -f /var/log/dht22/consumer.log

code based on Asynchronous consumer example

Start publisher as Service

Follow this tutorial

Edit and change config.yml to /opt/dht22/_config.yml

  1. Start
sudo systemctl start dht22_publisher.service
  1. Check
sudo systemctl status dht22_publisher.service
(env2.7) pi@raspberrypi:/opt/dht22 $ sudo systemctl status dht22.service
● dht22.service - DHT22
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dht22.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2017-03-24 13:21:46 UTC; 1s ago
 Main PID: 14457 (python)
   CGroup: /system.slice/dht22.service
           └─14457 /usr/bin/python /opt/dht22/

Show log:

tail -f /var/log/dht22/publisher.log

Great publisher works fine !!

2017-03-24 13:21:48,032 Start publishing
2017-03-24 13:21:48,033 Scheduling next message for 60.0 seconds
2017-03-24 13:22:47,668 Received 0 heartbeat frames, sent 0
2017-03-24 13:22:47,669 Sending heartbeat frame
2017-03-24 13:22:47,784 Received heartbeat frame
2017-03-24 13:22:48,701 [] Published data {'expire': 38231000, 'data': {'humidity': 34.20000076293945, '@type': 'DHT22', 'temperature': 24.399999618530273}, 'created': 1490361768} # 1
2017-03-24 13:22:48,701 Scheduling next message for 60.0 seconds